Krav Maga, which translates to “contact-based combat” in Hebrew, is an Israeli self-defense martial art that teaches individuals how to defend against the most common attacks and threats they may face in real-life. Although this martial art was originally used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), it’s now taught all over the world to men and women of all ages and fitness levels.

Krav Maga classes are worth it if you have an open-ended schedule and decent physique. You should also consider your reasons for joining in the first place, your goals, and the resources you have to devote to Krav Maga training.

If you want to learn more about Krav Maga and whether it’s worth your time, keep reading. In this article, We’ll explore several factors to help you decide whether Krav Maga classes are for you.

Consider if You Have What It Takes To Learn Krav Maga

Krav Maga sounds cool enough in theory. Who wouldn’t want to be able to fend off bad guys in real life the way heroes do in movies? However, there are a few factors you should consider before choosing Krav Maga as the martial art you want to learn.


One of the most important aspects of taking Krav Maga classes (and martial arts classes in general) is having the self-discipline actually to attend and maximize them. Without self-discipline, it’ll be challenging to learn and remember the techniques taught in class — not to mention practice those techniques outside of a classroom setting.

Self-discipline is essential in martial arts because it helps you to focus on your goals and stick to them. It also lets you control your emotions and stay calm in difficult situations. Self-discipline will help you persevere when things get tough and keep going even when you feel like giving up.

Willingness To Get Cuts and Bruises

Most people who sign up for Krav Maga classes do so because they want to learn self-defense. And while Krav Maga is an incredibly effective way to protect yourself, it’s not for everyone. The classes can be intense, and you’ll likely get some cuts and bruises along the way. So, before you sign up, ask yourself if you’re truly prepared to put in the work.

Injuries are common in Krav Maga. In fact, many people who take classes do so specifically because they want to get injured. That may sound strange, but the truth is that getting cut and bruised is an inevitable part of learning Krav Maga. If you’re not willing to accept that, you probably won’t enjoy this form of self-defense.

Having a Stable Core and Strong Joints

You need a stable core and strong joints to participate in Krav Maga. This is because the techniques require you to move quickly and generate a lot of power. If you don’t have these, you may not be able to do the techniques correctly and increase your chances of being injured.

That said, these weaknesses can be resolved with proper training. If you have the determination and discipline to commit to training, Krav Maga classes may be worthwhile.

having a stable core and strong joints

Ability To Stay on Your Feet

Krav Maga is a great workout and can be a helpful form of self-defense, but it has one major flaw: There is no ground game. This means that if you’re attacked and tackled to the ground, you’ll have no way to defend yourself. This is a serious drawback, and it means you should only take Krav Maga classes if you’re confident in your ability to stay on your feet.

If having a ground game is important to you, there are a few other martial arts that can help you improve in this area. These include grappling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), and wrestling. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to choose the one that’s right for you. If you’re looking for a well-rounded approach, grappling and Brazilian jiu-jitsu are good choices.

Wrestling is a better option if you want to focus on takedowns and throws. Whichever art you choose, make sure you find a good instructor who can teach you the proper techniques.

Visit a Krav Maga Class in Person

It can be tough to decide whether a Krav Maga class is worth your time and money. After all, there are plenty of other activities vying for your attention. But before you write off Krav Maga classes entirely, consider visiting a class and taking a demo (if the class offers it).

This will give you a better sense of what the class is like and whether it’s something you’d be interested in.

Check With Your Schedule

Krav Maga classes can be a great way to learn self-defense, but they also require you to commit a lot of time. If you have a busy schedule, it may be tough to pencil in regular classes.

Before signing up, take a look at your calendar and make sure you can commit to attending class at least once or twice a week. Ensure you also factor in time for recovering from injuries, since you’ll likely have those when you start out.

check with your schedule in krav maga class

Compare With Other Martial Arts Disciplines and Weigh Your Options

When deciding if Krav Maga classes are worth it for you, you can start by comparing them with other martial arts disciplines. Ask yourself what your goals are for taking martial arts classes. If you want to learn self-defense, Krav Maga may be a good option for you. However, if you’re only in it for the competition or sport, Krav Maga may not be the best choice.

Some potential alternatives to Krav Maga include boxing, BJJ, muay Thai, judo, and wrestling. Many of these focus on striking, grappling, and ground fighting, which are all essential skills in a self-defense situation.


Krav Maga is a great way to get in shape and learn self-defense, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re thinking about joining a class, do your research and make sure the class is taught by a certified and experienced instructor.

You should also be prepared to commit to regular attendance. Like any other workout routine, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.