It’s time to turn up the intensity of my workouts. Walking is dandy but running is quicker. Running helps with igniting the fire. I did just that earlier this evening, right after doing some ab work.

Well… sort of.

I did a little road work instead of a straight run. A jump rope was my weapon of choice and began exercises right outside my house. I heard jumping rope was a great way to reap the benefits of running in much less time.

So I did what any crazy person would do and put that to the test.

Needless to say, I was blown away – not only by how out of shape I was but by how much these exercises kicked my rumpus.

I started with regular rope jumping. As I was jumping I said “Ah, let’s aim for 50 jumps. No problemo.” Once I got to 12 I said “Ah, let’s make it 25.” I eventually finished at 20 :/. Then I set the pace for the following 7 exercises:

  1. 25 rope skips
  2. 10 left leg skips
  3. 10 right leg skips
  4. 5 left lead leg jumping skips
  5. 5 right lead leg jumping skips
  6. 10 rope skips with crossover jumps in intervals of 5s.
  7. 5 backward jumps

And here’s the kicker, I did NOT move on to the next exercise until I completed each number straight through without messing up the jump. Nothing is more annoying in this exercise than getting the rope caught on your feet so I felt it necessary to beat failure and meet my numbers, even though they are fairly low goals.

I must have jumped rope at least 100 times.

Afterward, I lifted my hands up and claimed myself a champion for not only meeting my numbers but for exercising when I did not feel like it. I’m anxious to see how my fitness level will increase as I continue to exercise.

So the next time you feel the need to exercise, don’t listen to that annoying voice that says, “I don’t feel like it.” Do it anyway, then claim yourself as a champion for doing so. Here’s to your success!